How To Post in Lost & Found

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  • Author
  • 12/13/2023 at 2:02 PM #1343

    Loomis Lost & Found

    To post in the “Lost & Found” Forum:

    1. Create a new topic in the appropriate “LOST” or “FOUND” sub-forum.
    2. Be sure to include the location (Loomis, Newcastle or Penryn) and post a pic if you lost a cat or a dog.
    3. Use topic tags like “dog” and “breed” (e.g. German Shepherd) so others can easily find your post.
    4. Check the box “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” if you want to get alerts or leave your contact info in the post.
    5. Once you find what you lost, you can change the “Topic Status” to “Closed.”
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